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Efforts will be made to build forest cities

Our reporter Liu Yigu Zhongyang Dong Siyu

People's Daily (Edition 01, April 12, 2024)

   Grass and trees, spring mountains are expected。It's a good time for spring planting。

  今年4月3日上午,习近平总书记在北京市通州区潞城镇参加首都义务植树活动时指出:“增绿就是增优势,植树就是植未来。To plant crop after crop, generation after generation, and continue to thicken our 'green home'。”

  This is a clear-sighted judgment -


  December 25, 2014,At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee,习近平总书记指出:“森林是陆地生态的主体,It is the largest survival capital of the country and the nation,It is the foundation of human existence,关系生存安全、淡水安全、国土安全、物种安全、气候安全和国家外交大局。必须从中华民族历史发展的高度来看待这个问题,为子孙后代留下美丽家园,让历史的春秋之笔为当代中国人留下正能量的记录。”

  This is the planning of the people

  2016年1月26日,习近平总书记在主持召开中央财经领导小组第十二次会议时强调:“要Efforts will be made to build forest cities,搞好城市内绿化,使城市适宜绿化的地方都绿起来。”

  April 8, 2019,习近平总书记在参加首都义务植树活动时强调:“要践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,We will promote high-quality development of green land,We will coordinate the systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasslands,We carried out large-scale afforestation campaigns in accordance with local conditions,We will continue to promote the development of forest cities and forest villages,Strive to improve the living environment"。


  Let the forest into the city, let the city embrace the forest。Since 2004, China has continued to carry out the creation of "National Forest City" activities。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视森林城市建设。以习近平生态文明思想为根本遵循和行动指南,我国Efforts will be made to build forest cities,推动城乡生态建设均衡发展,推进百姓“身边增绿”,让森林更好地服务于人民生产生活。

  随着森林城市创建等生态文明建设大力开展,新时代以来,全国森林覆盖率提升2.39 points to 24.02%,我国人工林面积位居世界第一;全国城市建成区绿化覆盖率提高到42.69%, the urban per capita park green area increased to 15.29 square meters。

  At present, 219 national forest cities have been established



  After planting trees, the students and cadres who were present gathered around。习近平总书记对大家说:“我是在北京长大的,我的乡愁很多都与树有关。”“要在绿化基础上加强彩化,多种一些色彩斑斓的树种,努力建设全域森林城市,把北京建设得更美。”

  Afforestation is a noble cause that benefits the present and future generations。习近平总书记高度重视首都生态环境建设,亲自推动北京绿化美化。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记每年都参加首都义务植树活动并发表重要讲话,为做好首都生态文明建设提供了根本遵循。

  Keep in mind the exhortations and work hard。北京市将“建设森林城市”列入北京城市总体规划,以“全域创森”为目标,以分区创建为抓手,积极开展森林进城、森林环城和森林乡村建设,拓展全市绿色生态空间,改善城乡生态环境。

  "Beijing has successively implemented two rounds of afforestation projects of one million mu,The city has added 2.43 million mu of forests and wetlands,是生物多样性最丰富的大都市之一;建成一批城市休闲公园、口袋公园、小微绿地、村头片林,The total number of parks in the city reached 1065,Become the 'City of a thousand Gardens'。Cheng Jianhua, deputy secretary-general of the Beijing Municipal People's Government, said。


  北京通州大运河河畔,城市绿心森林公园里新绿初绽、生机勃发,不少人正沿着5.5 km long loop jog。这条由骑行道与健步道组成的彩叶林荫大道,是附近居民健身、休闲的首选地。

  The City Green Heart Forest Park was completed and opened to the public in 2020。“上世纪90年代这一带曾有几个村子,紧挨着东方化工厂和一些‘散乱污’企业。2018年以后开始腾退化工厂、建设城市绿心森林公园,生态环境发生了巨大变化。”通州区张家湾镇张辛庄村村民程广森说,“如今我们搬进了楼房,开窗见绿,出门进园,春赏百花,秋看彩叶,幸福感满满。”

  上班路上林荫伴随,推窗就能看见公园,城市里也能听到悦耳鸟鸣……北京市森林覆盖率增长到44.9%,24项创建国家森林城市指标全部达到国家标准并顺利通过验收。In January this year, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration officially awarded Beijing the title of "National Forest City"。

  "In recent years,Beijing regards the construction of forest city as an important starting point for the construction of ecological civilization in the capital,Take multiple measures at the same time,Full push,Remarkable achievements have been made,Balanced development of forest resources has been achieved, ecological patterns have been comprehensively optimized, and ecological welfare has benefited the public,It has laid a solid foundation for building a world-class harmonious and livable city。Tang Fanglin, deputy director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, said。

  成功创建国家森林城市的北京,踏上建设美丽中国先行区、建设花园城市的新征程。Gao Dawei, director of the Beijing Landscaping Bureau, said,Beijing will implement a five-year action plan for the high-quality development of forest cities,Take the garden city construction as the guide,通过生态网络完善、森林质量提升、生物家园建设、城乡增彩延绿和乡愁景观延续等五方面行动,Promote the construction of ecological space with "one screen, three belts, nine corridors and multiple zones"。

  It takes a long time to do the work。All regions and departments adhere to the people-centered development philosophy and steadily promote the construction of forest cities。

  自2020年7月起施行的新修订的森林法,明确“推动森林城市建设”。国家林业和草原局印发《十大正规买球app》和《十大正规买球app》,明确总体思路、目标任务和保障措施;制定《买球APP》,The construction of forest cities will be carried out scientifically,Strengthening the dynamic management of forest cities is an important part of orderly promoting urban and rural greening。


  Adhere to scientific greening, planning and guidance, and adapt to local conditions


  “开展国土绿化行动,既要注重数量更要注重质量,Adhere to scientific greening, planning and guidance, and adapt to local conditions,走科学、生态、节俭的绿化发展之路,久久为功、善做善成”。




  -- Adapt to local conditions and strive for practical results。



  "Revitalizing" shelterbelt, the choice of tree species is very important。It is difficult for common tree species to survive in coastal sandy land and resist the attack of strong typhoons。福建省林业科学研究院自主选育的木麻黄二代品种“平潭2号”,抗风性强、耐盐碱、枝条柔软不易折断,非常适合在滨海沙地上建防护林。以乡土树种“平潭2号”作为先锋树种,一片片防护林拔地而起,一个个风口被顺利堵住,这一带平均风速下降40%。In 2021, the Waterfront New City section was selected as "National Beautiful Bay Case"。

  Adapting to local conditions and adapting to local conditions has become a major principle followed in the construction of forest cities in many places。Following this principle, the utilization rate of native tree species has reached more than 80% in the construction of forest cities。


  "To build a forest city, we should adapt to local conditions, determine green by water, and measure water.。”国家林业和草原局生态保护修复司司长张炜说,我国幅员辽阔,不同城市在降水量、地形地貌等方面存在差异,为客观评价森林城市建设成效,国家森林城市评价指标的制定坚持因地制宜、分类指导。

  根据降水量的不同,对山区城市和平原城市申请国家森林城市称号时的林木覆盖率,提出了不同评价标准。For cities with annual precipitation of less than 400 mm,The forest coverage rate of mountainous cities should reach more than 25%,平原城市林木覆盖率应达到20%以上;对于年降水量400毫米—800毫米的城市,The forest coverage rate of mountainous cities should reach more than 30%,平原城市林木覆盖率应达到25%以上;对于年降水量800毫米以上的城市,The forest coverage rate of mountainous cities should reach more than 35%,The forest coverage rate of plain cities should reach more than 30%。

  -- Scientific greening, diligence and frugality。

  To build a forest city, afforestation is needed to increase green。Urban space, where does the land come from?



  在新疆生产建设兵团第八师石河子市,市区公园、广场、道路、居住区的公共绿地都使用现代节水灌溉模式。“我们利用玛纳斯河河水和天山积雪融水,通过管道加压、自压方式置换城区绿化用水,形成独立的绿化灌溉管网,城区绿化每年可节约自来水900万立方米,全市绿地采用节水灌溉的占80%以上。"Shihezi City Administration Bureau Party secretary, director Du Zhanguo said。

  石河子市位于新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘,常年干旱少雨,建设森林城市难度可想而知。石河子市在树木林荫道、公共绿地中,大量种植菖蒲、鸢尾、萱草等耐旱地被植物。"This type of ground cover can save 20 to 30 percent more water than traditional lawns。Shihezi City landscape Research Institute senior engineer He Chuanjiang said。


  -- Learn from nature and pay attention to quality。

  春和景明,北京市昌平区十三陵国家森林公园蟒山景区,吸引了众多摄影爱好者前来拍摄。There are more than 170 kinds of flowers and trees planted here, and the colorful scenery is beautiful。


  “这种师法自然的近自然造林法,能让树木更充分地吸收阳光和土壤中的水分、养料,减少发生病虫害及火灾的可能性,也能为野生动物提供更多食物来源,有利于营造稳定可持续的生态系统,保护生物多样性。"Beijing Ming Tombs Forest Farm management office deputy director Hu Dongyang said。

  Zhang Bo, deputy director of Science and technology Department of Beijing Landscape and Greening Bureau,Beijing is in the process of building a forest city,Planted a lot of purple plum, ginkgo, jujube, crabapple, hawthorn and other sources of nectar tree,Both taking into account people's viewing needs,It also takes into account the survival needs of wild animals,Enhance the resilience of the entire urban ecological environment。

  "It is important to carry out the construction of forest cities and improve the quality of forests。"Adhering to the priority of protection and learning from nature" is a basic principle for the construction of forest cities。”国家林业和草原局城市森林研究中心常务副主任、中国林学会城市森林分会理事长王成说,The National Forest City Evaluation Index has been revised and improved several times,都把城市森林自然度、生物多样性、树种丰富度作为森林健康的重要指标,It is clearly required that no more than 20% of the total number of trees should be planted in a single tree。


  We will protect the clear waters and mountains of the motherland and let the people live a high-quality life

  习近平总书记强调:“植树造林是实现天蓝、地绿、水净的重要途径,是最普惠的民生工程。"Protect the clear waters and mountains of the motherland, so that the people can live a high-quality life.。”“持之以恒开展国土绿化,因地制宜,科学规划,不刻意追求奇花异草、名贵树木,真正做到为人民种树,为群众造福。”

  The word "people" weighs a thousand jun。“为人民种树,为群众造福”,是我国推进国土绿化、开展森林城市建设的初心和目标。

  Planting trees and increasing green, people and nature harmonious coexistence of the home more and more beautiful。

  “快看,白肩雕!”四川省成都市龙泉山城市森林公园迁徙猛禽监测点,观鸟爱好者王楒婷和同伴们手持望远镜、架着照相机,观测并记录着看到的鸟类。At present, the forest coverage rate of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park is 59.5%, a total of 1724 species of animals and plants, 31 species of birds of prey monitored。

  在创建成为国家森林城市的基础上,成都正在着力建设践行新发展理念的公园城市示范区。建设龙泉山城市森林公园璀璨“绿心”、大熊猫国家公园生态“绿肺”、天府绿道蓝网城市“绿脉”、环城生态区超级“绿环”、锦江公园及沱江公园精品“绿轴”,With the full implementation of the "Five Green Runcheng" ecological demonstration project,Today, the forest coverage rate in Chengdu has increased to 40.The green coverage rate of urban built-up areas increased to 44 percent.7%。

  The construction of forest city has accelerated the process of land greening。In 2023, the country will build and upgrade urban green space 3.40,000 hectares, construction of 5,325 kilometers of greenways。全国森林覆盖率和森林蓄积量连续多年保持“双增长”,荒漠化和沙化土地面积连续多年实现“双缩减”,人与自然和谐共生的美好画卷不断舒展。

  Planting trees to increase green, the people's sense of ecological environment is getting stronger and stronger。



  在森林城市建设过程中,各地大力建设森林公园、郊野公园、街头休闲绿地等,实行公园免费开放等惠民政策,让人民群众走进森林、拥抱自然,显著增强了人民群众的生态环境获得感、幸福感、安全感。A sound ecological environment has become a growth point for people's quality of life。

  Planting trees to increase green, the city's green productivity continues to improve。

  Forest is a reservoir, grain storage, money storage, carbon storage in a big treasure house。依托良好的林业资源和生态优势,各地的森林城市大力发展森林旅游,开发林下经济,拓展林业产业链,让绿水青山源源不断转化为金山银山。


  张家界是国家森林城市、国家重点生态功能区,全市森林覆盖率达到64.28%, the urban green coverage rate reached 41.84%, basically achieve the goal of "300 meters to see green, 500 meters to see the garden"。张家界市委书记刘革安表示:“生态是张家界高质量发展的核心竞争力。我们坚持‘生态优先、绿色发展’理念,加快构建以森林康养和山地旅居为主要形态,休养、体养、疗养、医养为主要业态的产业体系,在保护的基础上积极探索生态产品价值实现新路径。Statistics show that in 2023, Zhangjiajie City's forest tourism output value reached 70 billion yuan。

  "When plants are planted, the country is rich。”全国绿化委员会办公室最近发布的《买球APP》显示,2023年全国林草产业总产值达9.28 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.3%;The number of ecotourism tourists reached 25.3.1 billion passengers。

  "The earth grows green, the heart grows green。The people are not only the beneficiaries of forest city construction, but also become active actors。

  This year marks the 45th anniversary of New China's Tree-planting Day。On March 12, China Tree Planting Day, a variety of voluntary tree-planting activities were carried out in various cities。From on-site tree planting to "yard responsibility" and "cloud tree planting", the compulsory tree planting of the whole people has been further promoted。In 2023, the "Internet + Voluntary Tree Planting by the whole People" will be launched throughout the year to release all kinds of responsible activities.2.4万多个,建成“互联网+全民义务植树”基地1500多个,初步实现全年尽责、多样尽责、方便尽责。

  China's forest city construction model has contributed Chinese wisdom to the world's urban ecological construction。北京和福州入选联合国粮农组织在全世界遴选出的15个城市森林建设典型案例城市。王成表示:“我国在建设森林城市过程中,不断深化研究、及时总结经验,形成了师法自然、统筹城乡发展、‘大地植绿’和‘心中播绿’有机统一等建设理念和科学方法,为推动森林城市建设走深走实提供了有力支撑。”


  Work for the present and benefit the future。强国建设、民族复兴新征程上,在习近平生态文明思想科学指引下,广大干部群众正科学开展大规模国土绿化行动,以高水平保护推动高质量发展、创造高品质生活,努力建设人与自然和谐共生的美丽中国。

  (Reporter Yan Ke, Pan Junqiang, Song Haoxin participated in writing)

From People's Daily, 12 April


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